SOLEZ Target events in progress @Vicenza Municipality

Various SOLEZ target events are being implemented in Vicenza to increase citizens awarenss and knowledge on sustainable mobility opportunities and benefits. 
Great success and great visibility for SOLEZ project!

On April 5th 2018, an interesting conference on sustainable urban mobility was held in the FUA municipality of Comune Di Costabissara, where Carlo Andriolo presented SOLEZ Action Plan to an attentive public. To reduce emissions in the small city center, the Municipality has introduced the new electric car to be used by employees for work transfers. 

On April 8th 2018, a Fiab Rovigo and Fiab Vicenza Tuttinbici group of about 20 bikers on their stop at VELoCe, had the chance to get to know #SOLEZ aims and the innovative Value Added service for the functional urban area's citizens that is on the designing phase and will be tested by VELoCe in the next project steps.
From Rovigo to Vicenza by bike to discover some best practices on sustainability such as the last mile delivery service with electric vehicle of VELoCe Vicenza Logistic City Center Srl and the upcycling and recycling activities of Cooperativa Sociale Insieme

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