SPTM Webinar: New tools for preparing integrated transport strategies
LOW CARB's SUMP tools were demonstrated during a local online workshop held by by the Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure (SPTM) in the context for preparing integrated transport strategies for small and medium-sized cities. LOW-CARB further introduced planning at the scale fo the Functional Urban Area.
The training session was organized inconjuction with implementers of the project "Education for Sustainable Mobility" (Izobraževanje za trajnostno mobilnost) and was a part of a series of events tackling the topic of modern challenges faced by integrated transport planning. LOW-CARB was represented by urban mobility experts Lasse Brand and Dr. Wolfgang Backhaus of Rupprecht Consult. Brand has experience in strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, policy analysis and process moderation with the public. His lecture focused on how LOW-CARB's SUMP plannning tools could better support cities in developing integrated transport strategies, optimizing their transport planning, and finally promote learning and exchange of experiences. Dr. Backhaus is a social scientist who leads a team for collective and intelligent mobility dealing with projects in public transport, automated driving and electromobility. He presented LOW-CARB's Self-Assessment Tool and highlighted its usefulness for of small to medium sized central European regions.
The online training took place in a comobination of Slovenian and English. It is a key objective of LOW-CARB to provide planning resources and materials in local central European langauges to better enable the take-up of low carbon strategies. This was recieved with highly positive feedback from the webinar's 60 participants who expressed high satisfaction of the training's interactiveness, quality of presentation content, moderation and facilitation, as well as choice of platform.

The training's recording is available only on request, please contact w.backhaus@rupprecht-consult.eu.
Header image source: Simon Koblar, 2020. https://sptm.si/2020/06/04/izobrazevanje-nova-orodja-za-pripravo-celostnih-prometnih-strategij/