SUMP Self Assessment Tool Workshop for Krakow Metropolitan Association:
Creating the road to a SUMP for the Krakow Functional Urban Area
A three-day SUMP Self Assessment Tool (SSAT) Workshop was conducted on 31.08.2020 - 02.09.2020 . This workshop focused on the usage of the SSAT online tool. It was conducted by the external consultant Michał Wolański in cooperation with LOW-CARB partner ZTP Kraków , Municipality of Skawina, and the LOW-CARB follower region, Kraków Metropolis Association.
The main objective of the training was to familiarise participants with the concept of sustainable mobility planning. The SSAT tool lay the foundation for the development of a SUMP for the function urban area (FUA) of Kraków . The participants were representatives of the association member municipalities. The entires event was carried out as an on-line training. Participance varied over the three days and is estimated at around 20 unique attendees in total.
The SSAT workshop consisted of three parts:
a. An introductory lecture about the sustainable urban mobility planning.
b. Individual workshops with the participating bodies using the SSAT online tool.
c. A final conference summarizing the results of the individual workshops and outlining the road to the FUA’s SUMP.
Due to the pandemic situation all of meetings were carried out as on-line engagement using google meet with live appliation on the SSAT web tool. For which the overall satisfaction expressed by participants was extremely high (a 93% satisifcation score was recieved in feedback).
The main take-away for the participants was undoubtedly the evaluation of their individual sustainable mobility situation carried out with the novel SSAT online, this was followed closely by the experiences made with the external consultants' supervision and guidance. Furthermore, the knowledge gained of the tool as well as on sustainable mobility planning processes. The biggest take-away contributing to the larger progress of sustainable mobility for the Kraków FUA, was the foundation and conceptualisation created for a SUMP that can be built upon in future steps. The participants also received a printed manual of the SUMP 2.0 Guidelines in their local language (Polish).

More info can be found in this recording of the webinar's introduction.
Presentation slides and recordings are available on on request. Please contact
Author and credits to: Ms. Maja Mutavdžija <> . Updated 17.02.2021.