This week LOW-CARB presented the SUMP Self Assessment Tool (now available in the Romanian language) during a webinar organized by Civinet Romania.
The webinar was held to disseminate information related to urban mobility planning and European Commission financial and partnership opportunities to Romanian audiences and networks.
There were 4 presentations given, 3 of which covered topics of mobility and SUMP-related initiatives, projects and supportive activities. These are currently ongoing or planned initiatives by the EC's DG Move and INEA (e.g. Civitas projects, European Green Deal, Horizon Europe Missions).

The webinar recording can be found in Romanian at:

For more info about the CIVINET Romania Network visit:
Comisia Europeana- Politici si intiative pentru dezvoltarea mobilitatii si a solutiilor de transport durabile
- Luana Bidasca Responsabil de politici, Mobilitate urbana Unit B4, Sustainable & Intelligent Transport DG MOVE
Schema de Auto-Evaluare a Planurilor de Mobilitate Urbană Durabilă
- Ana-Maria Baston, interregCE LOW-CARB, Rupprecht Consult
Horizon Europe Missions Climate Neutral and Smart Cities
- Oana Bodron, Melinceanu, Policy officer Future Urban and Mobility Systems Unit DG Research & Innovation