Recap of LOW-CARB Partners' Activities During European Mobility Week 2019
The European Mobility Week is a yearly event by the European Union to promote clean mobility and sustainable urban transport. Towns and cities can showcase their measures and the related benefits of cleaner transport choices. Many LOW-CARB partners organised several activities for the European Mobility Week in their respective cities. We capture our project partner’s contributions below!
City of Brno
In the Czech city of Brno, the entire day of the 21st of September was dedicated to traffic education for local citizens. The Riviera Traffic Education Centre on the banks of the Svratka River was transformed into an area where young and old came together and to inform themselves through the act of playing, about sustainable urban mobility. The main event of the day was held at the Traffic Education Centre, where participants learned about safety and sustainability aspects of mobility from the employees of the City of Brno, the local public transport company, and the state police (Regional Directorate of the South Moravian Region Police of Czech Republic). Interactive presentations were given to the public about accessibility aspects to various mobility services, particularly highlighting services and infrastructure for people with reduced mobility. The day was further supported by the Health Department of the City of Brno and non-governmental organizations: ParaCENTRUM Fenix and Tyfloservis. The day was filled with fun, games and competitions for people of all ages. Children especially enjoyed the free balloons and the face painting stands! Multiple world bike champion Vašek Kolář demonstrated his skills in a showcase. As many as 400 people joined this successful event.

City of Leipzig
The German City of Leipzig set ‘walkability’ as their main focus in this year’s European Mobility Week. More that 30 actions were planned that promoted walking and numerous other environment-friendly transport modes. Highlighted events include an app-based audio-walk through the city, individualized city mapping for walkers, and showcasing their LOW-CARB innovation pilot project. The LOW-CARB lead partner seized the opportunity to inform employees of the Northern Industrial Area about accessibility and availability of public transport. They showcased their new "Accessibility Map", which comprises of the location of stations, frequency of public transport, duration of trips, and multi-modal travel options. Users of this platform can inform themselves of convenient destinations and easy connections from their homes to their workplaces. You can also test it! Just go to ! (The map is available in German and English)

City of Skawina
The Polish city of Skawina organised three main events during the European Mobility Week. The first took place at the main market and was an information launch about their LOW-CARB pilot project: an internal low emission bus line. The town also used this opportunity to refresh and introduce new road signs— of particular interest are temporary signs catered to pedestrians and are being used to encourage walkability in the town! The "5-10-15" signs show the walking distance, in terms of time, to get to certain points of interest such as, the main market, the train station, nearby parks, etc. While sustainable mobility options such as walking and scooting was promoted during the whole event, it was easy to see that participants thouroughly enjoyed the final event of this list: a critical mass bicycle ride around town. It attracted the attention of cyclists of all ages and surely was fun for the whole family. The weather was great, and provided an idyllic backdrop for a successful day. Skawina also participated in this year's EU Placemaking Week, using a placegame with school-going to children to help map dangerous areas on the travel routes to school. Read more about it here.
City of Parma
The Italian city of Parma organized a workshop for over 70 local mobility related business managers. The networking event provided the opportunity for professionals to connect in a relaxed environment. Presentations were held to inform each other of the many different types of measures being implemented with respect to sustainable mobility. Attendees learned how measures impacted each other and how they themselves could better facilitate low-carbon mobility in the region.

Councillor for mobility and environment of the Municipality of Parma, Ms. Tiziana Benassi, addresses the 70 participants of the workshop
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LOW-CARB partner City of Brno,