Po Hills around Chieri, Italy

The Po Hill and Chieri case study area is characterised by both hilly and flat lowland territory and contains many opportunities in terms of natural and cultural resources protection but also many different threats.  

On the Turin hill you can find the Site of Community Importance (SCI) named Superga Hill and Bosco del Vaj and Bosc Grand established for the presence of its characteristic chestnut and oak woods.  

In 2016 the Turin's hill area and the Po river protected area were recognized as “Collina Po
Man and Biosphere Reserve” as first recognition of Urban MAB in Italy. It is an area of 171,233 hectares which includes over 80 municipalities and sectors characterised by both natural and human influence. Chieri’s case study area is within the MAB UNESCO Reserve. 

In the lowland parts of the study are there are many other Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and natural reserve areas along the Po river  such as the Le Vallere natural reserve, Arrivore e Colletta natural reserve, Meisino and Bertolla Isolone natural reserve, Tangenziale verde and Laghetti Falchera natural safeguard area; Meisino Special Protection Area, confluence of the Rivers Po and Stura) 

Despite the high number of protected areas and a good natural environment there are a number of pressing issues that threaten these sites and the non-protected land in-between. The landscape is deteriorating with problems such as habitat isolation, loss of connectivity, soil loss, and poor or inappropriate forestry techniques and in common with many European landscapes the spread of exotic and invasive species. 

Po Hills around Chieri case study area

Po Hills around Chieri case study area

In cooperation with local communities in the pilot area of ​​the Po Hill, Città Metropolitana di Torino, along with Regione Piemonte, Parco del Po and Comune di Chieri as associated partners, will develop a Green Infrastructure Strategy based on local community and environmental needs as well as those of a strategic nature.

Download Flyer of the case study area Po Hills around Chieri (in Italian)

Regional Workshops in the area of Turin and Po Hills around Chieri (in Italian)

Regional green infrastructure maps of the case study area "Po Hills around Chieri"

Green infrastructure functionality maps of the case study area "Po Hills around Chieri"

Green Infrastructure Strategy & Action Plan Po Hills around Chieri

If you are interested in the pdf version of all maps of green infrastructure which are linked above feel free to contact Gabriele Bovo from the Metropolitan City of Turin/Italy.


Video "World Metropolitan Day Torino 2019" (in Italian)

Project video during partner meeting in Turin in May 2019 (in Italian)

Video "MaGICLandscapes, uno studio per la salvaguardia di infrastrutture verdi nel chierese" (2017, in Italian)

Header photo: Roberto Pascal