#1 Energy planning and energy transition
- Welcome to PROSPECT2030 training package! The training material has been divided into 7 topics.
Each topic will bring you to a dedicated page listing all capacity building and mutual learning materials (presentations, videorecording) that fit into the relative category. You can download presentations and watch recorded sessions on the YouTube project channel. Feel free to explore!

- Videointroduction on the topic by Manfred Hotwagner
- Energy planning and energy transition
- __ watch the workshop
- __ download the PDF presentations
National Energy Management Information System in Croatia
Regional energy observatory set up
Energy datasets for local authorities in Piemonte region
Example of a virtual power plant in the Wawer district-Warsaw
Video registration Multi Criteria planning tool for industrial sites (see videoregistration)
Regional Data collection/systematization methodology (see videoregistration)
Inventory of individual heat sources in Mazovia Voivodeship
From Turin Energy Observatory to the Piemont Environmental and Energy Plan (see videoregistration)
Video registration