Parma Shows Off Its Multi-modal Success.
LOW-CARB partners were hosted by TEP, the public transport company that serves Parma and its province during Dec. 13-14. The day kicked-off with experiencing a multimodal-journey to the 2nd project partner meeting. The agenda included an interview and signing ceremony for the LOW-CARB Declaration, hosted 'working sessions' on the project’s upcoming SUMP Competence Center and LOW-CARB training series (see ‘ACTIVITIES’ below) while the project’s communications arm, led by the Regional Environmental Center braced the team for local outreach. Project planners parsed the status of and challenges to realising city SUMPs in the project’s cities and their involvement of stakeholders, and a site visit aptly illustrated our end-goal: multi-modal connectivity with peri-urban areas.

LOW-CARB is all about cooperation on shared challenges in central Europe and working together beyond borders to improve cities and regions. On this site visit, in the margins of our 2nd project meeting, Parma, through its PT operator, TEP spa, shows partners its multimodal railhub and the possibilities it offers to commuters coming in via different modes within its functional urban area. You might say it has something for everyone!

Parma's railway station remains as it was - but below ground, there's a whole new world. While 'cordless' trolley buses connect the city and its citizens.

The regional bus hub, which means suburban services don't have the hassle of having to enter the city-centre to drop passengers off to catch a local bus or regional train, or pick up a bike-share bike.

What more could a suburban bicyclist commuter want than secure storage facilities at the railstation?

'Traffic wardens,' i.e. these posts have turned the area under the railway station where cars used to illegally park into a safe space for pedestrians. The main car park lies opposite and underground, while #kissandride facilities lie just around the car pictured above (n.b. the same fence posts will go up on the other side of the road to stop drivers like this black vehicle from doing illegally parking).

Do It Yourself bike repair! Minutes from the platform. Perfetto!