The major challenge for public administrations is to reduce energy consumption in existing public buildings without significant construction works. Public administrations, however, lack reliable solutions and applicable integrated approaches to reduce this energy consumption. TARGET-CE collected, adjusted and deployed new ICT tools, financial models, action plans and trainings to the local and regional administrations and integrated them into territorial and thematic strategies. The project aimed to become an energy efficiency flagship in central European region, offering the solutions for public buildings on a unique web platform.
The main outcome of TARGET-CE is the Oneplace platform , a unique hub related to Energy Efficiency which collects capitalised and adjusted solutions coming from past Interreg-CE and other international projects. The OnePlace online energy platform collects Energy Efficiency material (best practices, databases of experts and material, strategies and action plans, tools, educational material, financial road maps and 3D cities) to support public authorities, citizens and energy planners in proper energy management and energy savings in public buildings.
The aim was to analyse and map stakeholders needs in the new pilot regions, engage them into TARGET-CE activities and analyse transferability needs for the selected technical and not-technical outputs coming from past international projects related to EE. Stakeholder mapping and engagement is a mandatory activity in order to understand needs of new involved regions and better capitalized and deploy EE solutions.
The aim was to capitalize technical ICT EE solutions (web viewer, 3D city models generation, databases, smartphone apps, financial and decision support tools, etc.) provided by other transnational projects in order to offer advanced solutions to increase skills of local/regional authorities and energy managers in managing building stocks and innovate their managerial system.
The aim was to capitalize non-technical EE solutions (financial models, strategies, training material, etc.) provided by the selected transnational projects. All outcomes also served for pilot activities and action plan applications.
Following stakeholders needs and transferability assessment results, financial strategies, roadmaps and action plans (BOOSTEE-CE, ENERGY@SCHOOL, PANEL2050, GreenSoul) were revisited and tailored.
The aim was to carry out Pilot Action (PA) implementations, where all analyzed adjusted and tailored solutions are deployed in order to capitalize past/ongoing activities, widespread EE solutions, change behavior & enlarge impacts. TARGET-CE has 7 Pilots (one is cross-border), touching 6 countries and engaging 16 municipalities in the pilot activities.
FBK was created as a public research centre of the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy). FBK strives for scientific excellence, innovation and technology transfer to companies and public services. FBK has more than 350 researchers and developers working in the areas of Information Technology, Materials and Microsystems and Social Sciences.
EGTC NOVUM results from a partnership between five regions in Poland and the Czech Republic. The actions tackled by the EGTC NOVUM lie on several areas of The Grouping activity, but particularly in the scope of increasing the level of cooperation between institutions and communities (in the field of transport and infrastructure, health care, education, spatial planning, environmental protection and energy) in the Polish-Czech border region to make it more competitive, innovative and a better place to live in.
Mazovia Energy Agency Ltd. (MAE) promotes renewable energy and energy efficiency. MAE fulfils public mission and is recognized regionally, nationally and at EU level to lead to the development of a
comprehensive regional energy policy, coordination of energy activities in the region and increase of the involvement of local participants in the implementation of regional energy policy.
The Union of Municipalities of Bassa Romagna is located in the Province of Ravenna, between the Adriatic Sea and the Romagna hills, in the north-eastern part of Italy. It is a Public Law organisation, a Local Authority that associates 9 Municipalities: Alfonsine, Bagnacavallo, Bagnara di Romagna, Conselice, Cotignola, Fusignano, Lugo, Massa Lombarda and Sant'Agata sul Santerno.
The Energy Agency of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška Region offers a variety of expertise, acquired through the successful implementation of various activities in the field of energy efficiency (EE), exploitation of renewable energy sources (RES), sustainable transport and GHG emission mitigation. The agency provides a wide range of services in the field of energy management of local communities.
Split is the second largest city in Croatia with near 180.000 inhabitants (around 300.000 with metropolitan area), the largest city on the Croatian Adriatic coast and the centre of Urban Agglomeration Split.
The focus of the W.E.I.Z. was set on "innovation" and "energy". As impulse centre of the region, the W.E.I.Z. has been involved in more than 50 regional and international projects as a project leader or partner towards the fields "energy & sustainability", "market access & internationalization" as well as "know howtransfer & networking".
SIPRO is the Development Agency of Ferrara. The Agency deals with the promotion of sustainable development, reducing the consumption of the territory through the concentration of industrial poles and the regeneration of dismissed sites. Sipro works in cooperation with strategic local and regional stakeholders.
The BOOSTEE-CE project aimed to improve the governance of energy efficiency in existing public buildings and, ultimately, to reduce energy consumption. It intended to tackle these territorial challenges offering innovative solutions and best practices to undertake actions for improving energy performance of buildings and accelerate the transition to low-carbon cities.
Capitalized TARGET-CE solutions will support the public sector challenges in playing an exemplary role in undertaking EE actions and upgrade their infrastructures.
PANEL 2050
PANEL 2050 is a project financed from Horizon2020 Programme. Its main output was to create sustainable energy network at local level, where stakeholders collaborate for the creation of energy strategies for the transition towards low carbon communities in 2050.
Panel 2050 multi-stage strategy for implementing solutions, will be used to prepare 9 action plans for public utilities. Those solutions will support the smooth conduct of pilot actions in all regions of TARGET-CE project.
EMPOWER is a project financed from Interreg Europe programme, which main output is improving governance to mobilize new projects that apply energy monitoring with usage of innovative financing mechanisms and new technology.
EMPOWER Good Practice Register is a database on good examples of projects related to energy monitoring and innovative financial instrument, which will help improve the action plans carried out in TARGET.
ENERGY@SCHOOL project worked on increasing the capacity of public sector to implement Energy Smart Schools. This was done by an integrated approach which brought together education of schools staff and pupils. They became Junior and Senior Energy Guardians. In their new roles they learnt more about energy efficient measures, gained more responsibilities and experienced the implementation of technical energy efficient solutions, facing the shift towards low carbon Europe every day.
The eCentral project offered support to key stakeholders to realize the benefits of the standard for the renovation and construction of public near-zero-energy buildings. The main results of the project were targeted at regional and local public authorities that do not have sufficient technical and financial knowledge to develop complex energy efficiency projects. The experiences will be upgraded and continued in the TARGET project, which will collect, adapt and use new ICT tools, financial models, action plans and trainings.
The project aims to provide local authorities with new solutions, both technical and financial, which will help them to implement ‘nearly Zero Energy Building’ (nZEB) renovation activities in schools. The innovative approach consists in developing a transnational and holistic support toolkit and a web database of innovative best practices for nZEB renovation. Activities: Development of energy reviews of representative school facilities, Preparation of preliminary plans for renovation of representative school facilities, emissions after renovation, ...
The CitiEnGov project has contributed to improve the capacities of Central Europe Public Authorities, especially Municipalities, in dealing with energy planning and strategies. Moreover it has promoted an innovative approach for organizing and managing the energy topic within local administrations, which is based on a integrated and horizontal structure, easing the public administrations’ processes. The results will be deepened during the TARGET-CE project. Also the CitiEnGov wiki-toolkit will be integrated and enhanced with OnePlace platform.
The GreenSoul project aimed to surpass the energy saving targets of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (-20% by 2020) with a cost-effective and energy-efficient ICT platform. This ICT platform is equipped with a number of tools and a socio-economic and behavioural model that will jointly guide the energy consumption practices of public buildings.
Pilot buildings
An energy management system has been developed in seven pilot buildings, including real energy consumption measurements available on a dashboard, which collects all data from the installed measuring devices. In the buildings were used the available tools developed under the TARGET-CE project: EPC Living Tool from the eCentral project and 3DEMS from the BOOSTEE-CE project.