WP1: Transnational tool for energy audit of public buildings
The main aim of WPT1 is to develop 3D building models and a methodology to perform a comprehensive analysis of energy audits and consequently visualize them in order increase energy efficiency in public buildings.
Different Level of Detail (LoD) in 3D building models (source: TU Delft)
Building upon a review of what is known and had been done so far in past projects, the methodology illustrates the entire data pipeline and supports the assessment of energy performance in public buildings especially in urban areas and to visually deliver that information in an easy-to-understand language making energy data accessible to non-experts, engaging local users. Management & monitoring energy flows in public buildings both in a spatial and a temporal dimension supports local authorities in EE actions and increases public awareness through public access to the energy consumption data at the same time.
LOD1 of the city of Bologna generated extruding the available vector building footprint to a given height stored in the attributes of the vector data (source: FBK)
To achieve these objectives the project adopts the following activities:
- develops a spatial database focusing on energy consumption (from municipalities databases and surveys) and geospatial data from existing repositories among the project and associated partners;
- generates 3D building models in urban areas using available geospatial data with sufficient levels of detail;
- estimates PV potential, energy flows and heating losses using 3D geometries and energy data, highlighting problematic areas such as windows or roofs;
- elaborates the transnational methodology to collect energy information and their visualization using 3D building models to establishing the replicability of the project results.
The 3D building models will be created in this WP and will be adopted in WP2 and later as pilot actions in the WP3. Local public authorities and key target groups will support and validate the results.
The partnership is happy to share the following results:
The output presents a pipeline realized to allow end-users to collect, access and visualize energy data through 3D building models generated from existing geodata. | O.T1.1: Transnational methodology to collect energy information and their visualization using 3D models |
The developed methodology creates 3D geometries of building (i.e. 3D building models) starting from the available data collected by project partners, harmonized and structured in geospatial databases. | O.T1.1: Advanced 3D building models |
The aim of the document is to present a combination of methods deemed useful to reduce data heterogeneity, improve data quality, integrity and attractiveness and to reproject data in the same reference system and format for the successive actions of the project. | D.T1.1.2.: Methodology to harmonize and integrate heterogeneous data |
The SOTA presents technical details about existing methodologies for 3D building modeling as well as an analysis of implemented projects (EU FP7, EU H2020, Interreg CE, etc.) and their respective outcomes | D.T1.2.1.: Baseline inventory - SOTA of 3D city modeling and related applications |
The deliverable T1.2.2 stems from the baseline inventory on 3D city modeling (D.T1.2.1) and reports the methodologies employed in the BOOSTEE-CE project to create 3D building models of the pilot areas starting from the available data collected by the project partners (D.T1.1.1), harmonized (D.T1.1.2) and structured in geospatial databases (D.T1.1.3) | D.T1.2.2.: Methodology to create 3D building models from available aerial data and spatial plans |
The deliverable T1.2.3 is related to the generation of 3D Building Models (3D BM) starting from the collected geodata (D.T1.1.1), harmonized (D.T1.1.2) and structured in geospatial databases (D.T1.1.3) and employing the developed methodology presented in D.T1.2.2. The document presents the results in the 8 pilot areas (one more with respect to the planned quantification in the AF). The document is restricted to project partners (PP), reviewers and JS. | D.T1.2.3.: Generation of 3D building models in the pilot areas |
The deliverable T1.3.3 belongs to the activities related to estimation of PV potential and heating losses (A.T1.3). In particular for each Pilot Action, a report has been created reporting some information gathered from onsite thermal acquisitions or data owned by local energy agencies. The overall idea is to report the heating loss situation in the pilot buildings and, if possible, the improvement after the investment activities. The various deliverables reports information and graphical results of thermal analyses in all PAs with (public or internal) and without investments. | D.T1.3.3 – Estimation of heating losses from thermal data / PA1 (Italy) |
D.T1.3.3 – Estimation of heating losses from thermal data / PA2 (Austria) | |
D.T1.3.3 – Estimation of heating losses from thermal data / PA3 (Czech Republic) | |
D.T1.3.3 – Estimation of heating losses from thermal data / PA4 (Hungary) | |
D.T1.3.3 – Estimation of heating losses from thermal data / PA5 (Poland) | |
D.T1.3.3 – Estimation of heating losses from thermal data / PA6 (Croatia) | |
D.T1.3.3 – Estimation of heating losses from thermal data / PA7 (Slovenia) | |
D.T1.3.3 – Estimation of heating losses from thermal data / PA8 (Polish-Czech Border Area) | |
The deliverable T2.1.5 belongs to the activities related to the development of OnePlace platform (A.T2.1) and is correlated with activity A.T2.2 development of advanced 3D Energy Management System (EMS). In particular, the document reports the pipeline realized to allow end-users to access and visualize energy data in the 3D EMS module of OnePlace. The 3D EMS module is based on ICT and geospatial tools able to give access to heterogeneous information in the field of building energy management and efficiency. | D.T2.1.5.:Development of the fourth module – 3D EMS & webGIS viewer |