WP4: Energy efficiency financing strategies in
Central Europe
The WP focuses on creating and implementing a transnational strategy and dedicated financing roadmaps necessary to achieve EE goals, local market development and increase stakeholder engagement. New financial approaches are explored and developed with regards to public institutions which will move EE practices into the mainstream and daily practice. High initial costs, relatively long payback periods, credit risks and more efficient EE investments are the challenges that need to be addressed by different (or even combined) flexible financial tools such as grants, preferential or commercial loans, guarantees, bonds, tax incentives, EPC, etc. Moreover, technical considerations like different building sizes, locations and uses or diverse upgrade and retrofit needs, should be taken into account when planning and applying a long-term action. The WP will thus deliver a transnational strategy for EE financing in CE which will define, structure and review the existing energy financing solutions and models that are or will be in the future the important enablers for EE and energy savings in public infrastructures.
Logical Framework of WP4
The partnership is happy to share the following results:
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Analysis & elaboration of differences among financial schema in partner countries: EU grants/funds, possible normative obstacles, investment return, models, etc. The document also highlights market-enabling actions for large investments. | D.T4.1.1.: Comparative analysis of financial schema | ||
A transnational strategic document which defines, structures and reviews the existing energy financing solutions and models that are or will be in the future the important enablers for EE and energy savings in public infrastructures. The strategy assesses the potential of different financial models and gives recommendations, also based on BOOSTEE-CE pilot action outcomes. | D.T4.1.2.: Transnational EE financing strategy | ||
Transnational Energy Efficiency Financing Strategy visualization on the Online Energy Platform - OnePlace is a visual presentation of the transnational strategy outcomes in the module Financing Energy Efficiency of the Online Energy Platform (WPT2). | D.T4.1.3.: Strategy visualization on the Online Energy Platform - OnePlace | ||
This document is the report with past and ongoing practices about financial strategies and solutions related to EE in partners´ regions. It assists the realisation of D.T4.1.1-Comparative analysis of financial schema (to understand which features will be implemented in the strategy) as well as to smooth definition and elaboration of D.T4.1.2-Transnational EE financing strategy. | D.T4.1.4: State-of-the art and best practices of financial strategies and schema | ||
Roadmaps showing a way to finance EE actions within a desirable timeframe, identifying subsequent steps and appropriate financial solutions. These roadmaps were developed for public infrastructures on a specific territory of the Central Europe and in close cooperation with relevant local authorities and other stakeholders. It was adopted by these authorities for daily procedures & activities | O.T4.2.: EE financing roadmaps for public infrastructures | ||
Italy - Emilia-Romagna Region | |||
Czech Republic - Zlín Region | |||
Slovenia - Municipality of Velenje | |||
Poland - City Municipality of Plonsk | |||
Austria - Municipality of Judenburg | |||
Hungary - Tolna County | |||
Poland - Municipality of Lubawka | |||
Croatia - City of Koprivnica | |||
Common transnational template of energy efficiency financing roadmaps with guidelines for their specific contents and structure. The aim of the financial roadmap is to help public authorities to deal with many different financing grants in the EE domain. The methodological framework builds upon the practical knowledge of public institutions (project partners and potential stakeholders) and provides an overview of financing models used to finance EE upgrades in the public sector | D.T4.2.1: Transnational methodological framework for a roadmap development | ||
Financing roadmaps designed to achieve a desired goal of energy efficiency in public infrastructures in specific towns/ municipalities in IT, AU, CZ, HU, SI, PL, HR partner countries. | D.T4.2.2: EE financing roadmaps for public infrastructures in CE city/municipality | ||
Documents from 7 towns/municipalities confirming that EE financing roadmaps will be adopted by relevant public authorities as separate policy documents or parts of other policy documents. | D.T4.2.3: Signed documents confirming the adoption of the roadmaps | ||
An overview of all prepared roadmaps along with recommendations for essential elements for EE financing roadmaps. Recommendations and needs received from key target groups will be included. | D.T4.2.4: Transnational report on development process and outcomes of roadmaps | ||
Best practice Fact Sheets for EE financing - now available on the OnePlace platform | |||
Zlín Region, Czech Republic: Waste incinerator upgrade in Uherské Hradiště hospital | Best practice Fact Sheet 1 | ||
Emilia-Romagna, Italy: Energy Fund (Multyscope Regional Fund of public financing) | Best practice Fact Sheet 2 | ||
Tolna County, Hungary: Geothermal energy utilization and public utility installation at Tamási | Best practice Fact Sheet 3 | ||
Loški Potok, Slovenia: Wood Cooperative Loški potok - District heating with wood biomass in Hrib center | Best practice Fact Sheet 4 | ||
Koprivnica, Croatia: Reconstruction of boiler room plant in General County Hospital “Dr. Tomislav Bardek” Koprivnica | Best practice Fact Sheet 5 | ||
Płock , Poland: Reconstruction and extension of the tenement building | Best practice Fact Sheet 6 | ||
Płońsk, Poland: Modernization of the Heating System of Płońsk - Combined generation of electricity and heat from biomass | Best practice Fact Sheet 7 | ||
Jelenia Góra, Poland: KAWKA - liquidation of the local heat source fired with solid fuel in the city of Jelenia Góra | Best practice Fact Sheet 8 | ||
Judenburg, Austria: District heating grid based on waste heat from pulp&paper mill Zellstoff Pöls AG | Best practice Fact Sheet 9 | ||
Judenburg, Austria: PV Installation as PPP model | Best practice Fact Sheet 10 | ||
This is a simple web based energy efficiency project calculator which gives to the user a basic indicative idea of profitability and advisability of the investment into an energy efficiency or RES project. It counts just with own sources, not considering for instance grants and subsidies on one side or loans on the other side which both can significantly change foreseen values. | Energy efficiency financing project calculator |