Naufahrn Munchen, Germany
The pilot area Neufahrn bei Freising is located about 20 km north of Munich in Bavaria and covers an area of about 48.8 km2. The size of the area is characteristic for the Bavarian region, where a large number of small (i.e., smaller than 100 km2) drinking water supply systems are distributed throughout the state. The drinking water protection zone of the water union Freising Süd in Neufahrn bei Freising was established in 1992
and has the primary goal to protect the well field Neufahrn from harmful impacts of anthropogenic activities. The well field comprises 3 shallow wells and 6 deep wells, whereof only the deep wells are used for the local drinking water supply. Those deep wells are screened in the hydrostratigraphical units of the Upper Freshwater Molasse (Obere Süßwassermolasse, screened from 30 m to 80 m depth, lower aquifer). The shallow wells are screened in the Quarternary deposits (upper aquifer) and provide process water to the Garching research centre. The only river in the pilot area is the Isar river and delimits the area at its eastern boundary. Unfortunately, the Isar discharge is not gaged by the water authority in the pilot area and the closest river gages are located in Munich and Freising. Given the high hydraulic conductivity of the Quarternary aquifer, dynamic exchanges between groundwater and surface water are expected to occur in the pilot area.
For boDEREC-CE, Neufahrn bei Freising is an interesting case study since two waste water treatment plants discharge effluents into the Isar river before
the upstream boundary of the pilot area. We are particularly interested to see if the dynamic exchanges between groundwater and surface water
lead to any occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the water supplying wells.
Cluster 2: Groundwater
Pilot Action responsible: TUM, PP08