Events archive

BEECH POWER took part in the Blumberger Mühle autumn festival
During this year’s autumn festival at Blumberger Mühle, held on Sunday 5 September, BEECH POWER was represented with an information stand, which offered many possibilities for exchange with local people, including foresters of the region and the mayor of Angermünde.
BEECH POWER supporting cross-border cooperation during a joint excursion in Western Ukraine
Last month, as part of the DAAD East-West Dialogue Programme, 50 students, lecturers and practitioners from Ukraine, Moldova, as well as the BEECH POWER partner Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Centre for Econicsand Ecosystem Management from Germany went on a joint excursion through Western Ukraine.

The European Primary Forest Database v2.0, a new tool to protect primary forests
Last week, the new version of the European Primary Forest Database (EPFD) v2.0 was released. This new expanded version, open-access, is the most complete source of information on the location of primary forests in Europe ever assembled.
BEECH POWER organises an outdoor first aid course in Angermünde
Last weekend (20th to 22nd of August), the BEECH POWER project of the city of Angermünde, in cooperation with the Outdoorschule Süd from Freiburg, held an outdoor first aid course in Brodowin.

Forestry contributes to warming of forest ecosystems during extreme summers study says
Forest management such as thinning and harvesting intensity largely define structural characteristics of a forest stand. Such characteristics can significantly mediate forests’ capacity to attenuate extreme temperatures, moderate mean temperatures and reduce temperature variability. This is the conclusions of a recent study lead by Jeannette S. Blumröder and Pierre L. Ibisch from the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management.

Great news! The largest World Heritage serial site expands
The UNESCO World Heritage Series “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe” is proud to announce its extension with 6 additional States Parties: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czechia, France, North Macedonia, Poland and Switzerland. Furthermore, it also adds new component parts from Slovakia and Italy.

Happy 10th anniversary to the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management
Since its creation in June 2011, the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management (CEEM), based at the Faculty of Forest and Environment, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (EUSD) has worked to promote and apply the principles of econics to sustainable development.

Celebrate 10 years of Grumsin World Heritage Site through the new photo competition
Continuing the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the designation of Grumsin Beech Forest as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the town of Angermünde together with the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve are launching a new photo competition.

Volunteers fight the bird cherry in Angermünde’s municipal forest
During the course of this week, from 4 to 10 July 2021, a total of 18 volunteers are working on various urban forest areas in Angermünde under the direction of the Mountain Forest Project (Bergwaldprojekt e.V.). This project aims to improve the ecological situation and development of a near-natural city forest. In addition, it raises volunteer’s awareness on sustainable living in their everyday lives.

Educating children on the Grumsin World Heritage
June 2021 marks the tenth anniversary of the inclusion of the Grumsin Beech Forest in the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Ancient Beech Forests and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe“. To mark this anniversary, the city of Angermünde prepared exciting educational programmes about the Grumsin Beech Forest.
Proforestation in the fight against climate change
The term “proforestation” is not very well known in Europe, where sustainable forestry is seen as the main solution for carbon storage. However, proforestation has proven to increase forests carbon-sequestration abilities.

Anniversary of the World Heritage Beech Forests of Germany
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the inclusion of five German component parts in the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe”. Considering that Germany is the heartland of European beech forests distribution (with about one-fourth of their natural range), the addition of the German areas, allowed the World Heritage property to better represent old-growth European beech forests, their history and evolution.
New project to strengthen primary and old-growth forest protection in Europe
Between January 2021-2024, 15 beneficiaries from a total of 8 European countries are putting their knowledge and experience in primary and old-growth forest protection together within the project ‘LIFE PROGNOSES: LIFE PRotection of Old Growth Forests in Europe: Natural heritage, Outline, Synthesis and Ecosystem Services’.

New report ‘Virgin forests at the heart of Europe’
The new report ‘Virgin forests at the heart of Europe‘ (2021) provides an overview of the importance, distribution, situation and future of the last remaining large-scale virgin forests in Europe, with a particular focus on Romania.

New trail in Virgin Forest Krokar, Slovenia
In the Kočevsko region, in the southern Slovenia, untouched nature remains in the form of virgin forests. One of these rare remains of ancient times is the Virgin Forest Krokar inscribed on the UNESCO List, as one component part of the transnational site “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe”.

Watch now! – New video about European beech forests
Watch the new video, developed by BEECH POWER partner Kalkalpen National Park about the incredible story of expansion of Fagus sylvatica and the great value of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site ‘Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe‘.
Significance of Beech Forests on the UNESCO World Heritage Day
The UNESCO World Heritage Day or International Day for Monuments and Sites is an international celebration held annually on the 18th of April around the globe. Each year has a different theme and this year’s theme is “Complex Pasts: Diverse Futures“. The aim of this day is to promoting the diversity of natural and cultural heritage of humanity, their vulnerability and threats as well as the efforts needed for their protection and conservation.

Silviculture in the forest of Lübeck
Knut Sturm, from the Natural Forest Academy, participated in the BEECH POWER workshop that took place on 24th-25th of March, by presenting a case study of silviculture management in the forest of Lübeck, in Norther Germany.
Beech Forest management of the high Karst of Slovenia
During the BEECH POWER workshop on sustainable forest management that took place on 24th-25th of March, Špela Koblar from the Slovenia Forest Service, gave an interesting presentation about the management in beech (fir-beech forest) of the high Karst of Slovenia.

Guidance document for buffer zone management
During the BEECH POWER workshop that took place on 24th-25th of March, Caroline Celis from the World Heritage Coordination Office, provided an introduction on the importance of the Guidance document for buffer zone management of UNESCO World Heritage Beech Forests.
Join tomorrow’s webinar about BEECH POWER
12th April 2021
Do you want to know more about the importance of beech forests for forest biodiversity conservation in Europe? For all German speakers who are interested in learning more about the BEECH POWER project and get a unique insight into the protection of the UNESCO site ‘Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe’, register now to the free webinar. It will take place on Tuesday 13th April, from 14:00 to 15:00 CET.

Successful workshop on sustainable forest management practices
In 2017, the UNESCO World Heritage Site ‘Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe’ became the largest serial transnational WH Site in UNESCO’s portfolio, with 78 component parts in 12 countries. Alongside this spectacular recognition, questions arose on how to guarantee appropriate protection and sustainable development of these forests across the whole spectrum of included countries.

Celebrate the International Day of Forests
21st March 2021
The International Day of Forests on the 21th of March is an annual celebration of the world’s incredible forests. This celebration was created in 2012 by the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests.

2nd online meeting of the working group Education, interpretation, promotion and visibility
As a follow-up to the kick-off meeting held in January 2021, Public Institution Paklenica National Park and external experts organised a second online meeting of the working group Education, Interpretation, Promotion and Visibility which was held on 22nd February 2021.

World Wildlife Day: Forests and Livelihoods
3rd March 2021
Today, on 3rd of March, we celebrate World Wildlife Day! This celebration was created to commemorate signing of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973.
29th January 2021
Climate change threat to World Heritage sites
Climate change threatens World Heritage Sites worldwide, including beech forests, which, according to the IUCN, are of signficant concern.

The kick-off meeting of the working group ‘Education, interpretation, promotion and visibility’
28th January 2021
The online kick-off meeting of the working group Education, interpretation, promotion and visibility was organised on 27th of January 2021 by Public Institution Paklenica National Park.

Stay Safe! Outdoor first-aid course in Grumsin Beech Forest
28th January 2021
Outdoor first-aid course for nature guides and environmental educators in the Grumsin World Heritage component part area from 12-14th March.
Supporting biodiversity protection through Interreg
16th December 2020
Currently, the Interreg programme is in its fifth cycle focusing on cross-border cooperation in Europe and has proven to be an effective mechanism in supporting nature in the EU. The support of such cooperations, focusing on areas comprising Natura 2000, as well as UNESCO World Heritage is vital in the protection of Europe´s nature.

Workshop on Participatory Strategy development in Paklenica National Park
11th December 2020
An online Participatory strategy development workshop was recently organised by Paklenica National Park, to strengthen cooperation between protected areas, local communities and associated sectors.
Beech Power responds to the new EU Forest Strategy
8th December 2020
Old-growth beech forests are rare, but crucial for nature conservation. Hence, old-growth forests must be especially protected within the EU Forest Strategy and their area must be increased in the long term.

IUCN Evaluation of Slovak World Heritage Component
7th December 2020
Recently, an IUCN evaluation of the Slovak component parts of the UNESCO site, the Ancient and Primeval Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe, took place.

Consultation open for the EU Forest Strategy - your voice matters
1st December 2020
You can provide your input to the EU Forest Strategy and have a say in the future of European forests until 4th of December!
16th November 2020
On this day - exactly 75 years ago - UNESCO was founded in the spirit of promoting the “intellectual and moral solidarity” of humanity in order to bring lasting peace between nations and peoples.

Under Pressure: Germany’s oldest Beech Forest
12th November 2020
In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Heilige Hallen, the oldest beech forest in Germany is under threat.
Magical days in the Grumsin forest for children
14th October 2020
A forest school can offer exciting ways for little ones to engage with the natural world around them. The forest activity 'Kreativ wald' in Grumsin educated and inspired children through outdoor experiences and artwork.
Workshop on visitor information and World Heritage knowledge transfer
13th October 2020
The workshop aimed to develop joint communication concepts to address challenges regarding visitor information and knowledge transfer.
Strategy workshop for the Forest reserve Snežnik
30th September 2020
Following the successful strategy workshop implemented for the component part of Virgin Forest Krokar, the Slovenia Forest Service implemented another strategy workshop also for the forest reserve Snežnik, through the BEECH POWER project.

Situation analysis workshop in Paklenica
29th September 2020
On 28th September, another Situation analysis workshop was organized within the BEECH POWER project, focusing on the World Heritage Beech Forests in Paklenica National Park.
Strategy workshop for the virgin forest Krokar
19th September 2020
On 19th September, the Slovenia Forest Service project team organised a workshop in the village of Osilnica, under the cliffs above which the virgin forest Krokar hides.

Raising awareness and knowledge about UNESCO Beech Forests among experts
11th September 2020
On Friday, 11th September 2020, Slovenia Forest Service carried out an event aimed at providing knowledge and deeper insights into the outstanding values and challenges with which the UNESCO World Heritage component parts of the ‘Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe’ are faced with.

The UNESCO brand as a form of regional promotion
7th September 2020
The inscription of an area on the UNESCO List of natural World Heritage is a great commendation, but it also comes with greatly increased recognisability and an increased visitor pressure. T

3rd September 2020
Our colleague from the Slovenia Forest Service embarked on a three-day adventure to discover the deepest Slovenian forests in Kočevski Rog.

Participatory Strategy Development for the World Heritage Beech Forest component part Grumsin
1st September 2020
Last week, on the 1st & 2nd of September, forty participants gathered for the Participatory Strategy Development workshop, organised by the Angermünde City Administration at the church of Altkünkendorf, a village at the entrance to the World Heritage forest Grumsin.

Meeting the new world heritage beech forest coordination office
2nd September 2020
Last week, the BEECH POWER partnership had the pleasure to have a first virtual meeting with the new Coordination Office of the World Heritage Beech Forests.

Information and exchange event beech forest Grumsin
15th August 2020
Information and exchange event for actors involved in visitor information of the UNESCO World Heritage component part Beech Forest Grumsin.

Why rhetorics matters in nature conservation
8th July 2020
Increasingly, conservation experts are recognising the need for better communication to bring improved understanding and cooperation into conservation actions. For this purpose, the Slovenia Forest Service recently co-organised a rhetorics training.
Guided hike along the Borovška nature trail
7th July 2020
As part of the the Slovenian Forests Week, BEECH POWER was presented to the participants of a guided hike along the Borovška Nature Trail, located in the buffer zone of the Virgin Forest Krokar.

8th July 2021
The Slovenian forestry was given special recognition with the inscription of two Slovenian forest reserves on the UNESCO List of natural World Heritage in 2017.

German UNESCO World Heritage Day
7th June 2020
On June 7, 2020 the German UNESCO World Heritage Day was organized focusing on the theme "World Heritage connects".

3 June 2020, Slovenia
While the visitor numbers are thought to be relatively low, with Nomination Dossier in 2016 estimated only a few hundred visitors per year, there are no reliable data available about the visitor pressure in the area just yet.

Expert panel discussion: Will the coronavirus pandemic have a lasting impact on Nature Conservation?
30 April 2020
In the open panel discussion expert panelists discussed the impact of the outbreak on nature and society, and shared what they were concerned about, hopeful for, or even looking forward to in the future.
Steering Committee meets online
23 April 2020
Due to the COVID-19 prevention measures, the Steering Committee of the project is organizing regular online meetings.

New opening vacancy for the Secretary Office of the UNESCO World Heritage Beech Forests
22 April 2020, Belgium
The Sonian Forest Foundation in Belgium is looking for a new full-time employee in the Permanent Secretary Office UNESCO World Heritage 2020 – 2024 ‘Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe’.

BEECH POWER is speaking - watch our new videos!
8th April 2020
Five experts of the BEECH POWER project share their thoughts about the objectives and values of the BEECH POWER project. Watch their statements here!
Towards defining criteria for effective management of World Heritage beech forests
February 24-26th 2020, Eberswalde, Germany
Workshop's aim was to define a structure and related criteria for a standardized approach that would assist managers of component parts of the UNESCO Beech forest World Heritage property.
Photo exhibition “Capturing beech forests” travels to Angermünde
13th February, 2020 Angermünde, Germany
The photo exhibition “Capturing Beech Forests”, opened first in Eberswalde, Germany, has now moved to its next location: the city of Angermünde.

Capturing beech forests photo exhibition
13th December, 2019, Eberswalde , Germany
„Capturing Beech Forests“ is a photo exhibition highlighting the high value of the lasts remnants of old-growth beech forests in Europe, by showing examples of their beauty, (bio)diversity and also the threats to beech forest ecosystems all around Europe.

13th December, 2019, Slovenia
A BEECH POWER volunteer hosted a Citizens Engagement Activity at the Slovenia Forest Service.
MARISCO Risk and vulnerability workshop in Slovakia
1th-4th December, 2019, Kaluža, Slovakia
A workshop "Risk and vulnerability" was held within the 2nd thematic work package. The workshop was facilitated using the same methodology as the one in Slovenia called MARISCO.

Conflict resolution workshops in Slovenia
November-December 2019, Slovenia
Two Conflict resolution workshops took place in Slovenia, entitled “How to get to the solution, when we have differing opinions?”

Situational Analysis workshop for Snežnik
30th November, 2019, Slovenia
The workshop targeted the Slovenian component part Snežnik, the forest reserve and its buffer zone.
BEECH POWER workshop on MARISCO in Slovenia
18-19th November, 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia
BEECH POWER project partners from Germany, Slovakia, and Slovenia met in Ljubljana to attend a two-day workshop that focused on identifying and discussing key ecological attributes and threats for both Slovenian component parts — Snežnik and Krokar.
Situational Analysis workshop and field trip to the Virgin Forest Krokar
15th November, 2019, Kočevsko region, Slovenia
Members of Slovenia Forest Service and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development visited the deep and extensive forests of the Kočevsko region, where we one of the smallest World Heritage component part can be found.
Situational analysis workshop in Angermünde
4-5th November, 2019, Angermünde, Germany
The workshop was open to broad audience, Evening discussions allowed attendance of public administrations, NGOs, interested citizens, several project partners and IVY volunteers.

Youth engagement in Strasbourg
20-27 October, 2019, Strasbourg, France
The week was spent exploring what triggers youth engagement in Europe today, specifically in environmental politics and activism.

BEECH POWER attended the "Old Beech Forests" Conference
10-12 October, 2019, Bad Langensalza, Germany
This unique 3-day event included various sessions, bringing together beech experts of Germany as well as other practitioners and scientists.

BEECH POWER on the Youth Green Conference
7-10th October, Lungau, Austria
BEECH POWER was presented to approx. 60 Austrian-Ukrainian Youth during the Youth Green Conference.

BEECH POWER in the European Week of Regions and Cities
7-10 October, 2019, Brussels, Belgium
Our volunteer of BEECH POWER, supported by the Interreg Volunteer Youth initiative attended the European Week of Regions and Cities.

Attending Interreg Central Europe Communication Seminar
9th of September, 2019, Budapest, Hungary
BEECH POWER was attending the Interreg Central Europe seminar on Communication.

Excursion into the very dry World Heritage BEECH forest of Grumsin
21st August 2019, Germany
Participants were shocked by beech trees that are suffering from severe drought stress, extreme temperatures and increased sun radiation.
Investigating heat and drought effects on beech forests
16th to 20th of July 2019, Germany
Currently, in northern Thuringia the beech forests experience an unprecedented dieback, probably triggered by the extreme weather conditions.

BEECH POWER at the European Parks Academy
18th July 2019, Klagenfurt, Austria
Project representatives attended the workshop on Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas, which was organised as part of the European Parks Academy.

Attending the Interreg Central Europe Project Implementation Training
19th June, Vienna
The training provided a great opportunity to learn more details on project management and finances.

14-16th June, Eberswalde, Germany
The kick-off conference provided platform to create synergies between the objectives of the project and associated partners.

Project kick-off meeting in Eberswalde
12-16th June, Eberswalde, Germany
Three-day kick-off event and two-day conference brought together international project partners, associated partners and the interested public to focus on the project objectives.