Platform (DT 2.2.4)
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Deployment of a Web-GIS Platform for the integrated monitoring of changes and modifications in a HBA.
Historic Built Areas' governance is a complex and dynamic mechanism. There are a lot of topics to afford, a lot of thematic analysis to examine, phenomena evolve over time and the decisions token have numerous effects and impacts.
A methodology that can help to face the issue is Overlay mapping. Overlay mapping has been in GIS (Geographic Information System) systems since they were born[1]. Mc Harg's original application was a manual technique but it allows understanding how it is possible to put together a lot of topics and how the analysis can be the basis for the management of an area.
This is not enough for an effective ICT tool on HBAs. At present, GIS systems are still too technical so they are difficult to use as the basis for the confrontation between different departments, bodies and persons from the public and the private sectors (see limits of GIS systems). B.h.EN.E.F.I.T. rises the challenge of overtake this limit and tests an user friendly GIS interface to understand if GIS maps can became the basis for knowledge sharing and public debate on HBAs.
B.h.EN.E.F.I.T. is also attentive to the latest developments of GIS systems that include formula where the community can became an active participant (see crowdsourcing solutions).
Pilot actions for the implementation of the web-gis platform:
GIS Platform(click on the pictures below) | |
social perception - pilot action in Mantova
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Platform aiming at monitoring the social perception of decay of Historic Built Areas. Through the collection of citizens warnings, interfaced with technical data on conservation’s degree and space’s uses, it’s possible to manage intervention’s priorities and possible side effects. Download here the report of the pilot action to know more on GIS implementation to monitor Social perception of HBA.. | Platform aiming at monitoring the environmental behavior of the Historic Built Areas, linking physical features of those spaces with energy consumption’s and environmental data, in order to identify interactions and possible optimizations. Download here the report of pilot action to know more on how the GIS could support local authorities in monitoring environmental behaviour of HBA. |
These are two ICT products able to collect different data through GIS technology and show them and their interactions in an user-friendly way through a specific web-interface. Final users from PA don't need specific expertise or softwares to monitor ongoing phenomena.
The GIS cloud platform on social perception is open to all the BhENEFIT partners. The Municipality of Idrija inserted data on the GIS platform.

[1] The fist GIS commercial software, ODYSSEY, produced in the Seventies, already contained Ian L. Mc Harg's Overlay mapping concept.