WP3: Boosting energy efficiency in pilot

The aim of this Work Package is to implement and evaluate pilot actions (PAs) concerning energy efficiency (EE) improvements in public buildings selected in the participating regions. The pilots are focusing on the identification and testing of technical upgrades feasibility and management solutions applying OnePlace (WPT2), which will then be extrapolated to other CE territories with effectiveness and replicability being assessed as well. PAs allow promotion and implementation of the platform and EE measures in different local/regional contexts. Project or associated partners did specify the public buildings for the PAs. Building managers and energy end-users actively participate in the foreseen activities.
The range of measures implemented range from EE interventions such as smart metering, building management and during the pilot actions building retrofits solutions are explored as well. There are 5 small-scale investments pilots (AT, PL, HU, HR, SI) implemented in buildings run by local municipalities (supported by technical partners or national agencies), one similar pilot (CZ) with internal funds and 2 pilots (IT, PL/CZ) with tests, demos and feedback for new investments in public buildings. The pilots incorporate the information on energy services and equipment providers derived from the Living Energy Marketplace module (D.T2.1.3). A wide range of data with regards to the pilot buildings is displayed on the 3D Energy Management System module of the OnePlace platform.

Click on one of the links below to read about a specific pilot action!
- Pilot Action in Austria
- Pilot Action in Czech Republic
- Pilot Action in Hungary
- Pilot Action in Italy
- Pilot Action in Crotia
- Pilot Action in Slovenia
- Pilot Action in the Czech/Polish border region
- Pilot Action in Poland
The partnership is happy to share the following pilot-related results:
This deliverable is a kind of investment report that contains information and data about devices and technology implemented in the pilot action buildings. Analysis of selected measures aimed at improving energy efficiency implemented in pilot actions is aimed at defining the possibilities of how to better manage/monitor energy and use/consume it rationally. This document is also discuss the testing of the OnePlace platform as a design tool supporting the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge on the improvement of energy efficiency in buildings. The aim of the document is to present investment activities and goals to be achieved as part of the tasks undertaken for each pilot action. | D.T3.1.2: Testing 3DEMS (PA1) in a dense urban area of Emilia Romagna region (IT) |
D.T3.1.3: PA2 in a school complex (primary, comprehensive and polytech) in Judenburg-Lindfeld (AT) | |
D.T3.1.4: PA3 with zero-energy public buildings in Zlin Region (CZ) | |
D.T3.1.5: Application of OnePlace (PA4) for improving EE in public buildings in Tolna (HU) | |
D.T3.1.6: PA5 to monitor and control energy flows in a public building in Plonsk (PL) | |
D.T3.1.7: EE with OnePlace platform (PA6) in a kindergarten of Koprivnica (HR) | |
D.T3.1.8: Improving energy management (PA7) in a public school of Velenje (SI) | |
D.T3.1.9: Testing the project platform (PA8) in PL/CZ cross-border regions | |
This deliverable describes the methodology and evaluation process of both the pilot actions and functionality of the OnePlace platform. In addition, it defines the methods adopted for the assessment in the form of set criteria and indicators as well as guidelines for replication of implemented actions. | D.T3.2.1: Evaluation report on pilot actions implementation |
This document is a description of the pilot action. This determines the results of the activities. The aim of this document is to present the achievements of the implemented measures and their usefulness. | D.T3.2.2: Pilot action reports (PA1: Testing 3DEMS in a dense urban area of Emilia Romagna region (IT)) |
D.T3.2.2: Pilot action reports (PA2: in a school complex (primary, comprehensive and polytech) in Judenburg-Lindfeld (AT)) | |
D.T3.2.2: Pilot action reports (PA3: with zero-energy public buildings in Zlin Region (CZ)) | |
D.T3.2.2: Pilot action reports (PA4: Application of OnePlace for improving EE in public buildings in Tolna (HU)) | |
D.T3.2.2: Pilot action reports (PA5: PA to monitor and control energy flows in a public building in Plonsk (PL)) | |
D.T3.2.2: Pilot action reports (PA6: EE with OnePlace platform in a kindergarten of Koprivnica (HR)) | |
D.T3.2.2: Pilot action reports (PA7: Improving energy management in a public school of Velenje (SI)) | |
D.T3.2.2: Pilot action reports (PA8: Testing the project platform in PL/CZ cross-border regions) | |
The handbook for energy planners on the integration of 3DEMS and OnePlace into daily use was developed based on the gained experience during the project implementation and feedbacks from performed trainings. It aims to support a new user and reduce the discomfort he may experience when using a new, unknown tool. The handbook aims also to show that the OnePlace platform and especially 3DEMS tool could be easily replicate and use in other municipalities. This handbook presents approaches to use spatial and non-spatial energy-related data that rely upon GIS and 3D city models. This will demonstrate a step forward in using geospatial data for better planning and management of energy in public buildings. | D.T3.2.3: Handbook for energy planners on the integration of 3DEMS and OnePlace into daily use |
This deliverable contains all information and data about buildings that allow for a description of the condition of the buildings and the pilot action. This pilo action has no funds. Conducting research and analysis of selected buildings as pilot actions is necessary to ensure the identification of energy-related problem areas. Data collected from building owners, given in the chapters below, determine the current state of the facilities. It also provides the information needed to specify the energy profile of the buildings. In addition, it defines the measures and actions that were taken to implement the pilot action. The aim of the document is presentation of the plan preparatory activities as part of the tasks undertaken for the PA. | D.T3.3.1.: Pilot action preparation (PA1: Testing 3DEMS in a dense urban area of Emilia Romagna region (IT)) |
D.T3.3.1.: Pilot action preparation (PA2: in a school complex (primary, comprehensive and polytech) in Judenburg-Lindfeld (AT)) | |
D.T3.3.1.: Pilot action preparation (PA3: with zero-energy public buildings in Zlin Region (CZ)) | |
D.T3.3.1.: Pilot action preparation (PA4: Application of OnePlace for improving EE in public buildings in Tolna (HU)) | |
D.T3.3.1.: Pilot action preparation (PA5: PA to monitor and control energy flows in a public building in Plonsk (PL)) | |
D.T3.3.1.: Pilot action preparation (PA6: EE with OnePlace platform in a kindergarten of Koprivnica (HR)) | |
D.T3.3.1.: Pilot action preparation (PA7: Improving energy management in a public school of Velenje (SI)) | |
Pilot action guidelines | D.T3.3.2.: Pilot actions guideline |
Development, preparation, implementation and evaluation of 8 pilot actions (D.T3.2.2) including 5 small-scale investments (Slovenia, Croatia ,Austria, Hungary, Poland) to demonstrate EE improvements in different public buildings (school, kindergarten, etc.) and increasing public awareness, and 3 pilots (Italy, Czech republic, Polish-Czech Crossborder Area). Particularly 3DEMS (D.T2.1.5) will be tested and used to show EE actions to young generations. The usability of the overall OnePlace platform (D.T2.1.6) for planning future EE investments will be also evaluated | O.T3.1 Pilot actions for EE upgrade in public buildings - PA1 - Italy |
O.T3.1 Pilot actions for EE upgrade in public buildings - PA2 - Austria | |
O.T3.1 Pilot actions for EE upgrade in public buildings - PA3 - Czech Republic | |
O.T3.1 Pilot actions for EE upgrade in public buildings - PA4 - Hungary | |
O.T3.1 Pilot actions for EE upgrade in public buildings - PA5 - Poland | |
O.T3.1 Pilot actions for EE upgrade in public buildings - PA6 - Croatia | |
O.T3.1 Pilot actions for EE upgrade in public buildings - PA7 - Slovenia | |
O.T3.1 Pilot actions for EE upgrade in public buildings - PA8 - Czech-Polish Crossborder Area | |
The handbook presents the OnePlace platform: it is a manual which specifies in detail how to navigate the entire platform, including 3D EMS. It presents and describes all modules of the OnePlace platform and indicates the benefits of using the platform for selected target groups. | O.T3.2 Handbook for energy planners on the integration and use of 3D EMS & OnePlace into daily use |