
16th of June
Interview with Tereza Mináriková about lynx ecology and it's population in Czech Republic.

INTERNATIONAL LYNX DAY 11.6.2020! In English In Czech
11th of June
Online lectures and videos, workshops, excursions, games and more. We are celebrating International Lynx day!

Project 3Lynx was prolonged
11th of May
Due to cancelling important project activities because of COVID - 19 pandemic 3Lynx project duration was prolonged to the end of the September. That way we cn organize stakeholders meeting, scientific workshop and final conference.

Bojan, an international lynx In English
Bojan, mednarodni ris In Slovenia
9th of April
Lynx Bojan was captured and radio-collared in the beginning of December 2019. After four months of tracking his movements, we discovered that he is a proper international lynx.

Lynx in Brdy again In Czech
3th of April
Lynx came to Czech Brdy after a year. From the January, people in Brdy start to noticed the presence of lynx in Brdy, We even managed to make photo-trap picture of him thanks to 3Lynx monitoring effort. It can be some young lynx from Šumava as last year (see here), but we are still not sure. Presence of lynx is a sign, that nature in Brdy is good.

30th of March
Look and download our new useful: Health, Husbandry and Management of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) handbook. Download

3Lynx at Hohe Jagd fair in Salzburg In English
3Lynx erneut präsent auf der Hohen Jagd Messe in Salzburg In German
9th of March
3Lynx project was again at the "Hohe Jagd" fair in Salzburg.

Lynx, the shy animal? yes! almost always.
5th of March
Czech driver met two lynx in Šumava. During the mating season males can be so absorbed with their oponent that they stay even in the human presence. Thanks to lynx and 3Lynx monitoring, we now, that these two are teritory owner Kika (12 yo) and newcomer Matýsek (2? yo).

- Lynx monitoring report 2017-2018 whole English original
- 107 rysů - to je výsledek monitoringu ... In Czech
- Luchsmanagement in Bayern ... for Bavaria
28th of February 2020
In the area of 13 000 km2 of lynx population Bohemia-Bavaria-Austria we counted 107 independent animals.

Infrastructure for lynx conservation
31th of January 2020
List of all the capacities, equipment and working procedures made during 3Lynx project and plan of their future....

3Lynx at Hohe Jagd and Fischerei Messe
20th of January 2020
Come to visit our stand at Hohe Jagd and Fischerei Fair in Salzburg 20-23.2.

Meeting between hunters in Tarvisio In Italian
12th of December
Meeting between Slovenian and Italian hunters and foresters was organized by 3Lynx in Italian city of Tarvision.

2nd of December
3Lynx project team with local hunters and veterinarians to cooperated at Kočevska Reka to catch, collar and release resident lynx.

Rodina rysice Jiskry In Czech
29th of November
Three sons of Jiskra compete for their father's territory.

Long-term lynx monitoring first results In Czech
30th of August
Results of the three latest season of long-term intensive camera-trapping monitoring of lynx in NP Sumava and Bavarian Forest

International Lynx Day nel Tarvisio In Italian
11th of July
On 29 June the second International Lynx Day was held in Tarvisio.

International lynx day 2019 in Austria In German
28th of June
About 80 pupils were hosted at the castle of Hohenbrunn...

The Biggest lynx explorer of the 2018 is Daniel In Czech
11th of June
Intensive lynx monitoring showed us last year's recordmans. Lynx Daniel traveled more than 130 km route and more...

Interview with Elisa Belotti about lynx In Czech
20th of June
Elisa Belotti from Sumava National Park gave an interview about lynx in Sumava, its ecology and monitoring.

10 year anniversary of monitoring in Beskydy In Czech
11th of June
10 years of monitoring of lynx in Beskydy mountains. More than 6 800 pictures telling story...

Lynx traveled from Sumava to Brdy and back in less than two months In Czech
30th of May
Joung lynx, who traveled more than 70 km to Brdy returned in a month.

First two lynx translocated to Slovenia and Croatia in an effort to save an endangered population
20th of May
Big success of our sister project LIFE Lynx – new lynx released in Dinaric population.

Project and stakeholders´ meetings in one in Slovenia
10th of May
3Lynx midterm review meeting, steering group meeting and stakeholder visit took place in Ljubljana.

Lynx monitoring training in Friuli Venezia Giulia In English
Monitoraggio di lince in Friuli Venezia Giulia In Italian
2nd of May
Training course was held for members of the regional Forest Service of Friuli Venezia Giulia 15. April 2019.

26th of March
2018 was the first year to celebrate Lynx Day. Look how we celebrated.

Close encounter with lynx In English
Blízké setkání s rysy In Czech
8th of March
Czech photograph Vladimír Cech Jr. experienced a once-in-a lifetime encounter...

Lynx monitoring in Slovenia In English
Prvi monitoring risa s foto pastmi v Sloveniji In Slovenian
8th of March
First camera trapping lynx monitoring started last year in Slovenia.

3Lynx at the „Hohe Jagd“ fair in Salzburg In German
28th of February
Interesting conversations, information exchange, quite a few known and lots of new faces - the presence of the 3Lynx project at the “Hohe Jagd” fair in Salzburg was a great success!

Lynx Svit became younges mother ever recorded
12th of February
Svit, one of lynx Jiskra three kittens, had become a mother! So, why is this so extraordinary? ....

5th of February
Bear, wolf and lynx were present to school children from Ljubljana.

Origin of lynx in Brdy uncovered In Czech
6th of December
Lynx observed last week in Brdy, central Bohemia, was identified as young animal from Sumava. It is approximately 18 months old and travelled at least 70 kilometres.

Opening of lynx room in Bavarian Lam in German
30th of November
New lynx room was opened in hotel Bayerwald, Lam. Great photos from Julius Kramer were introduced by stories about nature told by madam Brehm storytellers.

New lynx in Brdy (Czech republic) in Czech
30th of November
New sighting of lynx in natural reserve Brdy in central Bohemia.

Human-nature interactions conference
26 - 27th of November
Interreg project ALPBIONET 2030 organized an international conference »Human-Nature interactions and conflict management in mountain environment«.

5 - 6th of November
Biannual project steering committee meeting was held in Linz on 5. – 6.11.2018. We discussed project progress and upcoming events

Interview: Camera traps help to detect rare species
6th of November
New observation of European wildcat, camera traps and rare large carnivores are topics of new interview with Tereza Minarikova in english broadcasted Radio Praha.

8th of November
3Lynx was introduced at European week of regions and cities that took place in Brussels.

European wildcat spotted in Cesky Les
Fotopast odhalila v Českém lese kočku divokou in Czech
22th of October
On 4th of June 3Lynx camera trapp took picture of european wildcat in Cesky Les, Czech republic.

Opening conference about lynx monitoring and conservation
6th of June
Lynx experts and stakeholders met in Uhlíkov, Záhvozdí.

Lynx distribution in the Alps and northern Dinaric Mountains
25th of May
Experts from eight countries assembled lynx distribution in Alps.

14 -18th of May 2018
Slovenian stakeholders viseted foresters and environmentalists in National park Šumava, Bavarian Forest and Austria.

Lynx year 2018 begins in Czech
1th of May 2018
1th of May is first day in lynx calendar. This helps us to asses population changes.

Two young lynx in Steinwald in German
4th of May 2018
Two lynx were released to strengthtend Bavaria population.

3Lynx project presented at Communication workshop in Ljubljana
16th of April 2018

CZ EVENT- What does camera traps shows to us?
- 27th of March 2018
Return of the wolf in Bohmerwald in English
Vlk se vrací do šumavských hvozdů in Czech
5th of March 2018
3Lynx camera trapps captured return of the wolf.

Jiskra the lynx - succesful mother
10th of September 2017
The lynx Jiskra was born in 2014 near Prachatice and is repeatedly observe since. Look, what is new...

Report about the 3Lynx project in Czech Television in Czech
7th of September 2017
Tereza Mináriková and Martin Strnad talked about lynx, 3Lynx and camera trapping.

Interview about the 3Lynx project at Radio Prague in English
31th of July 2017
Interview with Tereza Mináriková from ALKA Wildlife.